Tuesday, April 29, 2008

progress on assignment 3

After completing all the important part for this assignment, i just need to add some effect, make it real a little bit, make it look neat and arranged it properly. I think im gonna add some more color on the back ground to make it more colorful. I also will add some text into it to convey the massage I try so send.

progress on assignment 3 (fire)

Fire is another crucial part that i have to illustrate in this assignment 3. First, i draw the outline of the fire using pen tool. I draw it differently every time just to make it look more realistic. After that, I color it with red, blue and yellow as it is the color of the a fire. I also add some of the detail inside the flame to make it come to live. After I finish coloring it, I used the wrinkle tool to make it more realistic. I also add some drop shadow on a certain part of the fire to add up the effect.

progress on assignment 3 (earth)

The next step is creating the earth. It's quite hard because I cannot fine the right color to match the earth surface. I try to blend some color, make it a bit transparent and add a Gaussian blur effect to make it more realistic. After that, I use the warp tool to make the earth looks melting. I also make some of the earth look like dripping into the frying pan. As for the heat effect, i create my own brush tool that shape like a heat and brush it anyway that will make it perfect.

progress on assignment 3 (frying pan)

In this assignment, i will illustrate an earth being fried in a frying pan. The first item that i created using adobe illustrator is a frying pan. It's simple to draw this because I just use ellipse tool to create the oval shape of the frying pan. After that, i used rounded rectangle tool to create the handle. For the water pool inside the frying pan, i just used the same ellipse tool and color it like that. It just need to be arranged carefully until it shaped like that.